Scientfic name Wallabia bicolor
Common name Swamp Wallaby
The Swamp Wallaby is the mammal I see most frequently on Sassafras, when I'm out about in the forest I will hear them most days, thump thump through the bush, just a few hops, rarely more than 6, to the next shrub to have a nibble on. I see them every other day, they are generally solitary and quite shy, they seem to have fairly set territories. If I go to the same location (quite a few different places) I will see the same Wallaby, I tend to be there at the same times, rarely more than an hour after dawn.I believe all of the larger tracks through the bush here are Swamp Wallaby tracks, If I need a new track I will open up theirs for my use, clearing the Privett away up to head height, the tracks don't need to be any wider most of the time. I know they use the tracks I open up myself, those they did not make.
The only time I see two Wallabia bicolor together are Mother and Joey and this is also the only time I see them eating grass, usually very late afternoon, getting dim. They head back into the forest or good dense cover if I get any closer than about 50 metres, though I can get as close as 30 metres if I pretend not to see them and it is fairly dim. Walking up to the general vicinity of a Swamp Wallaby, without either of you knowing about it, will result in the Swamp Wallaby running rather than hopping away, I try not to do that.
This is the closest I have been with a camera, at full 200mm zoom, I had to manually focus, too much vegetation in the way even with central point focus, not quite in focus but you get the idea.
This is at the bottom of a small gully, quite damp most the year, still a lot of Small Leaf Privett left at ground level, Wallabia bicolor will eat tender privett shoots, small and large leaf, quite happily. I was there photographing a Common Silkpod and this bloke bounded down into the gully. He waited there long enough for me to take another 3 photos. Following is the cropped set of 4.
Yes images 3 and 4 are slightly different, he is checking me out, compare vegetation and fur around the head, shoulders and left paw, he is moving his head for a slightly better view, we talking just a few millimetres, perhaps 5.
You don't get much time with Swamp Wallabies, off he hopped over the gully after this shot, I was lucky he was in view and stopped for long enough. I did have the 50x zoom video camera with me but it doesn't have a manual focus. The right camera was on the tripod.