Botanical name Ehretia acuminata
A common name Koda

Young plant
Unfortunately other vigorous pioneer species just here are Small and on the left, Large Leaf Privett.The Koda is quite a vigorus grower. Leaves get a fair bit bigger, changing from soft to crunchy! Once beyond the seedling stage to young plant the Wallabies loose interest.

The main lateral veins are quite pronounced on both top and bottom.

They are inclined to grow new leading limbs if they are leaning too much as the photo below shows. What tends to happen is the leaning branch dies off.
This can happen in quite large specimens, the first time I noticed the habit was when a 7 metre long horizontal main trunk died after I removed over arching Privett and it sprouted vertical branches from below the bend. It waited until the new branches were one or at most two years old.
Yes many other species do this but it is very pronounced in Ehretia acuminata. I could guess the aim of the game is to break out into the sunlight, don't waste energy on those branches that will not contribute. Given the kind of coverstory that used to be around here it does not surprise me.